ಸೋಮವಾರ, ಮೇ 16, 2011

pattern on pattern

happy monday! how was your weekend? we suffered through another cold, pathetic twins game, mowed the lawn and hit up the mecca of all vintage-loving estate sales! lots of great stuff for the vintage shop coming up this week. this morning i'm waiting for it to warm up so i can finished my raised veggie bed out in the back yard. until then, i'm loving this house tour of dottie angel's mossy shed.

in another life i'll have a cute cottage like dottie angel's, filled with pattern on pattern and pretty white ruffles. all in all that floral stuff is too girly for steve, but i can squeak in a few retro pillow cases here and there so my love for vintage floral will stay alive.

[via sfgirlbybay]