Obviously yesterday was primarily spent listening to Some Cities by Doves. But I also gave Silent Alarm by Bloc Party a proper listen on my way home.
What did I think of the albums then?
Well the first impressions were mixed, because neither album made me scream "wow","ye-ha" or anything similar for that matter. However I should recall that my rendezvous' with the other Doves albums weren't love at first sight either, because they both took quite a while to get used to/like. Today they are among my favourite albums, so I'm actually very positive and feel certain that Some Cities and I are in "the beginning of a beautiful friendship!"
Since Silent Alarm is their debut it's (very) logically my first encounter with Bloc Party. So unlike Doves I don't have any idea if the album will grow on me, or if it's doomed for a permanent spot in the back of the archive. So stay tuned for more comments.
Despite listening to those two albums a lot yesterday, the "over" played track of the day was Taking You On a Cruise by Interpol. For some odd reason (it's probably just because it's a brilliant song, which really isn't that odd) I'm totally fascinated by that song. A love to last forever? Time will tell I guess!