The Radio Dept.: Lesser Matters
The debut album by this Swedish band and what a surprisingly brilliant one it is.
Maybe not the most original band in the world (hello 1980's?), but they sure know how to write great music! However it's not your music for a romantic evening at home, because the inspiration sure comes from some of the noisier bands 20 years ago - this without being a copy at all.
So more the kind of music to accompany the sound of beating rain on the window!
Originally released in 2003 (re-released in Denmark in February 2005) so it has taken it's time to reach my (as well as others) ears. Luckily it did, though it feels strange that it had to take so long, because the band has potential written all over them.
This album is indeed a highly recommendable one!
Best tracks:
1) Where Damage Isn't Already Done
2) Keen On Boys
3) Lost and Found
I'm also "heavily" listening to Thirteen Senses, Doves, The Arcade Fire and my recent purchases by Bright Eyes. And songs by Angie Aparo, Kent, The Stone Roses and Interpol are constantly sneaking their way into my play list these days!
Top 10 "play count" in my Windows Media Player (at work):
1) Interpol: Take You On a Cruise
2) The Smiths: There Is a Light That Never Goes Out
3) Grandaddy: Now It's On
4) OMD: Of All The Things We've Made
5) The Dresden Dolls: The Jeep Song
6) Interpol: Evil
7) Kent: Max 500
8) Fans Of Kate: Tape 23
9) Wilco: Kamera
10) The Stone Roses: Made Of Stone
New albums added to my CD-collection (a list of CD's purchased in 2005):
Beck: Odelay
Bright Eyes: Digital Ash in a Digital Urn
Bright Eyes: I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
also bought:
Kent: Max 500 (EP)