Returning from a short weekend trip last night I (to my big surprise) found a "home-made" The Lucksmiths sampler in my mailbox!
I'm listening to the CD at work now (3rd listen) and I will add comments to some of the songs along the way. Actually I won't add any further comments, because they are getting pretty predictable. Who's interested in reading stuff like; "this one is good", "oh - this one is good as well", "great song this one" etc.? I assume that everyone gets the point? Will immediately start searching for albums to add to my CD-collection.
Track list:
Point being - The first song I ever heard by the band and the one that started it all.
Stayaway stars
Under the rotunda
What passes for silence
Edward, Sandwich hand
There is a boy that never goes out - The title reminds you a bit of The Smiths song - doesn't it? But it's a brilliant song nonetheless.
After the after party
Take this lying down
The chapter in your life entitled San Francisco - My favorite song by the band so far!
Little Athletics - Just another fine song!
Off with his cardigan! - It's probably just me, but I can't help thinking of That's Entertainment by The Jam.
Birthday present for Katrina
Requiem for the punters club
In case you're wondering how and why this sampler ended up in my mailbox - keep wondering - because I won't tell you!